Traci Taylor is a 27-year broadcast veteran who is the Director of Digital and Radio Content for Townsquare Media. If it's happening in the Upstate New York region, Traci is sharing the story with you.
Traci Taylor
See What Education Looks Like Around the World During a Pandemic
Looking at these, I was reminded that globally, as parents and as educators, we are way more united than we are divided.
FOR SALE: A Pirate Ship for Less Than $10,000? Aye!
If as a child you dreamed of one day living the pirate life, what's stopping you, other than the constrictions of adult life? It's the ship, isn't it? Not anymore.
Heartwarming Video Shows Elderly Sweethearts Finally Reunited
Circumstances beyond their control separated this couple who’ve been married 74 years. When they were finally able to reunite, it was captured for all to see.