Unabashed lover of large breasts, pornography, foul mouths, and loud music. Childhood diagnosis of Oppositional Defiant Disorder is possibly related to current position as Associate Editor and only female employee at GuySpeed.
Jackie Mancini
20 Sexy Halloween Costumes: Who Wore it Better?
We searched far and wide, and brought you the 20 sexiest Halloween costumes, and their canine counterparts. So tell us: Who wore it better?
MOMA Video Game Exhibit — Go Here
When you think of New York's Museum of Modern Art, you probably imagine giant splatter paintings and jars of toenail clippings. Not your thing? No worries; they also have a new video game collection.
5 Things You Can Do For Your Tech-Challenged Mom on Mother’s Day
Oh, moms. A generation of "digital immigrants," our moms have a real love/hate relationship with technology. While most moms we know love their iPads/Kindles/iPhones/weird off-brand tablets, they also seem to have a very hard time figuring them out, and have a tendency to get overwhelmed by tech problems.
Go Here: The Spam Museum in Minnesota
A visit to their website will tell you that "few experiences in life are as meaningful and meaty-filled as those you’ll have at the magnificent SPAM Museum." Such a grandiose claim is enough to pique our interest.
Go Here: Slip ‘N Slide Off a Cliff in Utah
Honestly, all 265 acres of Hyrum State Park in Cache County, UT is worth a visit. If you're looking for adventure though, you'll pack a tarp and head to the dam.
Go Here: Underwater Hotel Room in Maldives
"From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free. " -Jacques Yves Cousteau
10 WTF Jobs That Will Make You Feel Better About Your Job
Got the Thursday 'Workin' Man's Blues?' Cheer up, it could be worse. Trust us.