Damon Houx

‘World War Z’ Trailer: Brad Pitt Battles Zombies, Protects His Family
After going through an arduous shooting process, Marc Forster's 'World War Z' now has a trailer, which features Brad Pitt and his family up against the zombie apocalypse.

‘Les Miserables’ TV Spots: Yes, This is an Oscar Front-Runner
We're about to enter the heart of darkness for the Oscar season, where a number of big pictures are going to make their bid to be the front runner. But all bets are off until December 25, when 'Les Miserables' hits screens. Now there are two TV spots to sell the scale and importance (and perhaps inevitability) of the film.

‘Star Wars: Episode 7′: Harrison Ford Says “Maybe”
Oh boy, we're in for a long road to 2015. That's when we'll get 'Star Wars - Episode 7' in theaters, but from now until then we're going to be dealing with a lot of rumors about the new 'Star Wars.' Today we heard that Matthew Vaughn might be the film's director, and now we're hearing that it's possible Harrison Ford could join the new film.

George Lucas Is Giving His ‘Star Wars’ Money to Education
It's easy to poke fun at George Lucas. He directed the prequel trilogy after all, and refuses to acknowledge the original cuts of the first three 'Star Wars' movies. But when Lucas does good, that's no joke. And today word broke that Lucas will be giving the majority of the money he got for selling Lucasfilm to educational philanthropy.

‘Star Wars’ Won’t Be Getting New Blu-Rays Just Yet
With the news of George Lucas' decision to give Disney control of the 'Star Wars' franchise for a news series of movies, there was hope that with Disney getting the rights it might lead to a new box set of the original films, perhaps in their original cuts. That's not going to happen, at least not any time soon.
George Lucas Speaks About a New ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy and Retirement
Today's news that George Lucas is selling Lucasfilm and 'Star Wars' to Disney is so crazy that it's hard to believe it's true. Which may be why Lucas made a video to talk about the handover.

Tyler Perry is Already Plotting ‘Alex Cross’ Sequel ‘Double Cross’
'Alex Cross' doesn't open until Friday and we just reviewed it unfavorably, but that's not stopping Tyler Perry and book writer James Patterson from finalizing a deal on a sequel called 'Double Cross.'

‘Scarface’ is Getting Remade Whether You Want it or Not
It's hard to get upset about a remake of Brian De Palma's 1983 film 'Scarface,' if only because it was a remake of Howard Hawks's 1932 film of the same name. But a second remake is moving forward, and Universal proved it by hiring a new writer.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to Host Golden Globes
Good job, Golden Globes! Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are set to host this year's Golden Globes ceremony, which is scheduled for January 13, 2013. The duo have previously anchored 'Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update desk together, and co-starred in the 2008 film 'Baby Mama.'