It feels like the rain has been falling steadily here in the south. Every day brings some sort of rain. The rain brings low temperatures, humidity, flooding, and everything in between.

It also brings out wildlife. We've seen alligators in the most random of places. Swimming pools, streets, carports, blocking interstate exits. This gator, however, found himself to be a bit it made its way to a Popeyes drive-thru.

I know this sounds like the most Louisiana thing to ever exist, but it didn't happen here. It happened in Laurel, Mississippi. Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks was called to get the reptile pretty much immediately.

He only measured 3 feet long. Aw, it's just a baby!

Don't worry. There's no alligator substitute for chicken at Popeyes. The unofficial mascot of Louisiana was captured and released outside of city limits and was not harmed.

Only in the south.

11 Times Tee Shirts Said What We Were Thinking at Mardi Gras

Let your tee shirt do the talking while you're trying to catch beads. Here are 11 things we all want to say at Mardi Gras.

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