6 Results (0.268 seconds)
Louisiana Home To Some Incredibly Weird World Records
Louisiana Home To Some Incredibly Weird World Records
Louisiana Home To Some Incredibly Weird World Records
, by Gary McCoy

Cooked for the huge Independence Bowl tailgate party on December 27,2018 by Chef John Folse Most People Twerking Simultaneously

Louisiana Guinness World Records You Probably Didn’t Know Existed
Louisiana Guinness World Records You Probably Didn’t Know Existed
Louisiana Guinness World Records You Probably Didn’t Know Existed
, by Michael Dot Scott

The Guinness World Record for "Most People Twerking Simultaneously" was set in November of 2014 and still stands....From guinnessworldrecords.com - "The most people twerking simultaneously is 406 and was achieved by Big Freedia and Central City