LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA: Rare South Louisiana winter snowstorms can be beautiful, but they can also bring freezing temperatures and power outages.

Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash
Photo by Caleb George on Unsplash

If your electricity goes out, it’s important to stay warm until the power comes back.

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Here are ten practical tips to help you stay cozy and safe:

1. Layer Up
Wear several layers of clothing to trap your body heat. Start with a base layer like thermal underwear, add a sweater, and finish with a jacket. Don’t forget hats, gloves, and thick socks to protect your extremities.

2. Use Blankets and Sleeping Bags
Pile on the blankets or get into a sleeping bag. Sleeping bags are designed to trap heat, especially the ones made for camping in cold weather.

Photo by Sarah Elizabeth on Unsplash
Photo by Sarah Elizabeth on Unsplash

3. Close Off Unused Rooms
Shut the doors to rooms you’re not using to keep the heat in one area. Focus on staying in a single room where everyone can gather.

4. Block Drafts
Use towels, blankets, or even clothing to cover gaps under doors and windows. This will stop cold air from coming in and warm air from escaping.

Photo by Emiliano Cicero on Unsplash
Photo by Emiliano Cicero on Unsplash

5. Stay Active
Moving around generates body heat. Do simple exercises like jumping jacks, stretches, or even dancing. Just don’t overdo it and get sweaty, as damp clothes can make you colder.

6. Use Candles or a Fireplace
If you have candles or a fireplace, use them carefully to generate heat. Keep candles on a non-flammable surface and never leave them unattended. If you’re using a fireplace, make sure the chimney is open and the area is ventilated.

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

7. Eat Warm Foods and Drinks
If you have a gas stove, camp stove, or portable heater that’s safe to use indoors, make warm meals or hot drinks like tea or soup. Eating and drinking warm items can help keep your core temperature up.

8. Huddle Together
Share body heat by sitting close to family members, friends, or even pets. The more people in one room, the warmer it will feel.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

9. Insulate Windows
Hang blankets, towels, or bubble wrap over windows to help insulate them. This will prevent heat from escaping and cold air from coming in.

10. Stay in Bed
If the power outage lasts overnight, stay in bed under multiple blankets. Your body heat will warm up the space under the covers.

Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash
Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

Extra Safety Tips:

  • Never use outdoor heaters, grills, or generators inside your home. These can release dangerous carbon monoxide gas.
  • Check on elderly neighbors or relatives who may need extra help staying warm.
  • If the temperature gets dangerously low and you’re unable to stay warm, consider going to a shelter or a friend’s house if it’s safe to travel.

Snowstorms can be challenging, but with these tips, you can stay warm and safe until the power comes back on.

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