It seems that, once again, we have skated through another Hurricane Season unscathed. I know we're all happy about that, so now we can start thinking about just what kind of winter we can expect here in our area. How lucky am I to have a great source for just such information in the form of the Farmer's Almanac!

I can remember that both of my grandfathers kept a copy of The Farmer's Almanac hanging on a hook just inside the back door. The thing is that it wasn't just there for looks; they actually used it. Sure, trying to know what kind of weather was coming was important, but there is so much information above and beyond the weather. The Farmer's Almanac still contains what we now call life hacks: easier ways to do things and new ideas on old subjects.

Every year, the folks at The Farmer's Almanac send me a copy of their publication, and I refer to it often. I thought I'd do a little research and see just what kind of winter the Almanac predicts for our part of the country this year so we can see how accurate it really is.

Here's a quick breakdown of this winter's predictions.


The average temp for November will be about 54 degrees, which is roughly about 2 degrees above normal. We can also look for about 5" of rain in the month of November, and that figure is only about an inch less that we would normally get. The only really cold weather predicted for November is toward the end of the month, around the 28th.


Looks like very little chance of a White Christmas this year since the average December temp will be around 56, which is a full 8 degrees above normal. Our rainfall will be about 5", which is about average for December. The temperature, according to the Almanac, is going to be relatively warm until the end of the month when the northern portion of the deep south can even expect some snow, but that shouldn't make its way down to us at all.

That's pretty much what the Farmer's Almanac predicts for our area through the end of the year. Beyond that, it looks like a mild winter for us this year. Wear those winter clothes when you can!

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