
Tropical Weather?
Tropical Weather?
Tropical Weather?
A tropical storm or hurricane this late in the season? There is currently a low pressure system in the Bay Of Campeche that has a 50% chance of further formation.
Tropical Depression 4 Not Likely To Threaten Southwest Louisiana
Tropical Depression 4 Not Likely To Threaten Southwest Louisiana
Tropical Depression 4 Not Likely To Threaten Southwest Louisiana
It would seem that (once again) Southwest Louisiana has dodged the tropical bullet. This must come as a shock to those irresponsible web weather prognosticators that earlier this week were predicting a Labor Day weekend hurricane here. Earlier this week I saw several facebook post warning the Gulf coast about a hurricane next weekend...
Disturbance in Atlantic
Disturbance in Atlantic
Disturbance in Atlantic
This hurricane season has been so slow that I am beginning to wonder what I am going to do with all this spam. Does it make a good etouffee? I am not complaining; but also not putting the rice on yet.
Storm Could Form in Bay Of Campeche
Storm Could Form in Bay Of Campeche
Storm Could Form in Bay Of Campeche
Well here we are only six days into the 2014 Hurricane season and we could be looking at our first storm. Wasn't this supposed to be a year when El Nino affected our weather and hindered hurricanes?

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