
Brain Myths Busted
Brain Myths Busted
Brain Myths Busted
We only use 10% of our brains. Drinking kills brain cells. Adults don't make new brain cells. All widely held facts, right? Wrong. Popular Science busts those and other brain myths.
Misinformation About Caffeine
Misinformation About Caffeine
Misinformation About Caffeine
They say that a person should write about what they know. this article is perfect for me since I am one heavy coffee drinker. If you're a coffee drinker or a Red Bull guzzler, you'll find this quite interesting.
Internet Misinformation
Internet Misinformation
Internet Misinformation
Mental Floss is second only to when it comes to exposing myths and folklore. Here's a great piece from Mental Floss that exposes a myriad of things we've all learned on the internet and believe me, we've all learned a lot of things that just aren't true...

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