
Contraband Days Is HERE!
Contraband Days Is HERE!
Contraband Days Is HERE!
Contraband Days is here again and it's the 59th year of celebrating for SWLA. With two weeks of fabulous activities, it's a great time to party with your family and friends. Legend has it that Jean LaFitte hid some treasure from his pirate ship here in the Lake Area...
Live On The Lakefront — Flamethrowers This Friday
Live On The Lakefront — Flamethrowers This Friday
Live On The Lakefront — Flamethrowers This Friday
Lake Charles offers a ton of great family friendly entertainment and Live on the Lakefront is a free concert series Friday nights this spring. The City of Lake Charles invites you to bring your entire family to this free concert series. This weeks show will be sure to have your family on their feet!
Good News for Thanksgiving Orphans [VIDEO]
Good News for Thanksgiving Orphans [VIDEO]
Good News for Thanksgiving Orphans [VIDEO]
Thanksgiving is less than a week away.  As someone who has spent many-a-Thanksgiving away from my family, I've wrestled with the guilt of really enjoying being a "holiday orphan."  If you know what I'm talking about, you'll really love this video...
Heather’s Website of the Day – Trip-o-Rama
Heather’s Website of the Day – Trip-o-Rama
Heather’s Website of the Day – Trip-o-Rama
Planning a trip with a few friends?  A bunch of co-workers? A whole posse of extended family?  Here's the help you've been hoping to find.  This site allows you to organize a group getaway by creating a webpage, sending invitations, discussing places to go, collaborating on an itinerary and even mapping the trip...