
Cat Logic [VIDEO]
Cat Logic [VIDEO]
Cat Logic [VIDEO]
What do cats think about? Here are some funny examples of cat logic… What is going on in their furry little heads?  Why do they do what they do? We may never know what they are truly thinking, but let's keep laughing at their strange cat logic...
Sad Cat Diaries [VIDEO]
Sad Cat Diaries [VIDEO]
Sad Cat Diaries [VIDEO] live the life of a pampered house cat.  Where your daily decisions consist of "sleep on the sofa" or "sleep on the dining room chair." Food magically appears and the humans wait on your every whim. But some of these pampered kitties feel otherwise...
20 Cats Who Regret Everything [VIDEO]
20 Cats Who Regret Everything [VIDEO]
20 Cats Who Regret Everything [VIDEO]
Sometimes even the most well thought-out plans don't happen exactly as planned.  You may think the idea is great, but the execution leaves much to be desired. This phenomenon isn't limited to the human world.  Unfortunately, it transfers very well to the feline world...
Visit a Real Cat House
Visit a Real Cat House
Visit a Real Cat House
Now, we all love our pets and it's not unusual to find scratching post and special beds for cats in a home, but this guy has actually adapted his house to be one giant house for his cats. I guess it helps that they guy in question, Peter Cohen, is a home-builder, but I think you'll be amazed at all he has done to make his house more than cat friendly. It all comes at a price, of course, Peter says

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