We actually have the results of the last two weeks listener polls to share (so I took a vacation.) We covered everything from whether theaters should show the interview, smoking bans and traditional foods to when you take your Christmas tree down. Let's dive in.

No Smoking
Graeme Robertson/Getty Image

Let's start with smoking. Beaumont already has a public smoking ban. This year new Louisiana Laws further limit smoking. We ask if you would be in favor of a smoking ban for public places and you said yes (61%.)

Poll smoking ban
Poll Daddy

Last night my wife and I watched "The Interview"on Pay Per View.  It was pretty funny. Sony lost a lot of money by not opening the film in theaters. We ask what you thought about that. A huge majority of you (67%) said that not showing the movie in theaters was bowing to terrorist.

Poll The Interview
Poll Daddy

Lake Charles in America's boom town right now. We have all heard about this economic boom. We wondered if it had affected your life. We ask if 2014 was better than 2013 for you economically. This question showed no real consensus. While 41 % said 2014 was better; 30% said it was not. The 28% said it was about the same.

Poll 2013 2014
Poll Daddy

I have to admit that while I am writing this I am looking at our Christmas Tree while sitting by the fireplace. Yes we still have our Christmas Tree up. My wife hates to let go of Christmas and I must admit that it does make our living room seem cozy. We are always the last to take down our tree. We ask you when do you take your tree down and the majority (50%) said after New Years Day.

Poll taking down Christmas Tree
Poll Daddy

Our last question dealt with New Years Day Tradition. We ask what foods do you eat every New Years Day. Number 1 was Black Eye Peas at 38% followed by cabbage at 35%. Gumbo did get a few votes. That does sound good. I think I;ll make a gumbo now.

Poll New Years Food
POll Daddy






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