Yesterday Mayor Nic Hunter posted on his Facebook page that he had some big news to announce on today and today the news was given that the City of Lake Charles and state and local elected officials announced plans for a proposed Crying Eagle Lakefront Restaurant and Microbrewery.

The new establishment will be located at the West of the Lakefront Parking garage as there have been request for proposals for a Lakefront Restaurant issued by the city.

During the tenure of Crying Eagle, they have been the location for various events and tourist as well as locals who have made this the spot for socializing and networking among their peers in the city. Mayor Nic Hunter applauds The Avery Family and states that “They have a proven track record of success in this community. We are excited to work with them on the development of their full service restaurant on the Lakefront.”

There will also be the $20 + Million Port Wonder project announced last November. This will include the Children’s Museum and Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Science and Educational Complex, site improvements, such as raising the base flood elevation and renovation of the parking garage. Upon approval of the Lake Charles City Council, construction on the restaurant could behin as early as next summer and have a potential opening in the Spring of 2021.

What are your thoughts on the projected upgrade to the Lakefront. Do you feel it’s needed or what would you like to see there in the future.


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