Sunday evening Delta airlines suspended all flights – Delta flights were grounded across the US Sunday night, not because everyone was interested in the Pro-Bowl, but due to a “systems outage” or as they worded it to the FAA an “automation issue”.  During the period Delta cancelled some 150 domestic flights. Passengers also complained about a $50 non-flight fee

Delta Announces Quarterly Earnings And Reductions In Capacity Over Brexit
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I don’t do well flying – though I like the feeling and the view in a small plane, large ‘buses in the air’ don’t do a thing for me, not to mention the hassle of getting through the airport.

Travelers Fight Crowds On Busiest Travel Day Of Holiday Season
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In the modern world with cell phone signals from coast to coast, email and other communications, I wish train travel would make a huge comeback.  I’d much rather board a train late one afternoon, check emails, send and receive texts, get a great nights sleep and wake up the next morning, relaxed and refreshed in Denver.

Heritage Trains Travel Through Sydney For The Great Train Race
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